UCL School of Management

Alumni event

SoM Third Annual Alumni Networking Evening Reception 2016


Thursday, 17 March 2016
18:30 – 21:30

UCL School of Management would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Alumni Networking Evening Reception.

Director of UCL School of Management, Professor Bert De Reyck, will start the evening with a short welcome and update, followed by some of our alumni who will share their experiences since graduating. There will then be an opportunity to network with alumni and faculty staff.

The event presents an excellent opportunity to establish professional connections with alumni, who are now working in industry. This could potentially lead to employment or business opportunities.

 What to expect:

  • News from the School
  • Updates from some recent alumni
  • Networking opportunities
  • Drinks and canapés
  • Live music

To book please RSVP to Hamieda Zakir by Tuesday 15 March
e: h.zakir@ucl.ac.uk
t: 020 3549 5946
We very much hope that you can join your fellow UCL School of Management students, alumni and faculty staff for this special evening.

Open to
All School of Management students
Last updated Monday, 25 April 2016