UCL School of Management Honorary Professor Chia-Jung Tsay’s research paper “All Play and No Work: Antecedents and Consequences of Pursuing a Calling Outside of Work” has been awarded the 2024 Best Overall Paper Award by the Careers Division of Academy of Management.
Chia-Jung Tsay and Otilia Obodaru’s award-winning research paper explores the trend of current generations rejecting the call to pursue their passions as full-time jobs. Through a study of 81 professional musicians with unrelated full-time jobs, the concept of “non-work callings” is introduced as activities perceived as callings but pursued outside of work. This challenges the traditional view of callings and highlights the complexities of how people experience and enact their passions outside the work domain, often finding greater satisfaction in doing so.
The Academy of Management seeks to recognise the 2024 best overall paper that contributed to careers theory, research, and practice. The submissions were evaluated and judged by the Award Committee: Bert Schreurs, Ariane Froidevaux, and Janine Bosak.