UCL School of Management



Nick Rosa explains the Metaverse at UCL

Friday, 16 Dec
Nick Rosa, Metaverse Strategy Lead for Europe at Accenture, launched his new book at UCL School of Management's home on the top floor of One Canada Square with a keynote discussion on the Metaverse.

Professor Paolo Taticchi hosts Impact Investing Conference and Discussion Panel

Tuesday, 13 Dec
UCL School of Management recently hosted an event at Canary Wharf’s One Canada Square that delved into the world of Impact Investing. Beginning with a keynote address from ESG Book’s Daniel Klier, the session was then followed by a presentation from UCL School of Management Professor and sustainability expert, Paolo Taticchi, and a panel discussion chaired by the Financial Times’s Andrew Jack.

UCL SoM Associate Professor becomes Knight of the Confraria do Vinho do Porto

Tuesday, 13 Dec
Earlier this month, UCL School of Management Associate Professor Susana Frazão Pinheiro was admitted to the Confraria do Vinho do Porto as a Knight in an Enthronement Ceremony that took place last week in The Great Chamber of the Charterhouse in Porto.
In the Media

Joost Rietveld talks Microsoft's attempted takeover of Activision Blizzard

Monday, 12 Dec
UCL School of Management Associate Professor Joost Rietveld has featured in a number of major media outlets in recent weeks to share his expert opinion on the future of Microsoft's attempted takeover of Activision Blizzard.

Professor Davide Ravasi appointed as Director of UCL SoM for the next five years

Thursday, 8 Dec
We are delighted to share that Professor Davide Ravasi has been confirmed as the next director of the UCL School of Management for a period of five years in the first instance.


Impact Investing: Finding the solutions for social impact measurement

Thursday, 8 Dec
UCL School of Management Professor Paolo Taticchi and Honorary Research Fellow Chiara Andreoli have co-authored a white paper that highlights the challenges facing the field of impact investing. Entitled 'The Way Forward in Impact Investing: Weighing Solutions To Play Off Social Impact Measurement And Management', the paper also seeks to identify and evaluate possible solutions that allow the field to move forward.

Impact Investing: The Jungle We Must Steer Through

Wednesday, 7 Dec
UCL School of Management Professor Paolo Taticchi and Honorary Research Fellow Chiara Andreoli have co-authored a white paper that highlights the challenges facing the field of impact investing. Entitled 'Social Impact Measurement and Management in Impact Investing: The Jungle We Must Steer Through', the paper also investigates the role of social impact measurement and management.

UCL School of Management 2022 highlights

Tuesday, 6 Dec
As 2022 draws to a close, we are looking back at some of the UCL School of Management's many achievements this year, and are celebrating the tremendous hard work of our staff, students and alumni.

School of Management 2022 student highlights

Tuesday, 6 Dec
With the end of 2022 soon approaching, we are looking back at some of the incredible achievements of UCL School of Management's talented students and alumni over the past year. It was difficult to narrow it down to only a few, but we have compiled a list of our Top 10 student achievements in 2022.
In the Media

Companies must prioritise employee wellbeing despite pressures of inflation

Monday, 28 Nov
UCL School of Management Associate Professor Anthony Klotz has recently featured in an article by HR Magazine to discuss the impact of inflation on the workplace. Entitled ‘Inflation threatens workplace progress made in pandemic’, the article investigates the extent to which employers are scaling back on important parts of workplace culture to accommodate rising costs.

Analytics Lab Project: Measuring AI Ethics

Monday, 28 Nov
A new report from UCL School of Management MBA students and consultancy firm Capgemini argues that implementing artificial intelligence ethically is not only necessary, but urgent. Carried out at the UCL School of Management’s Analytics Lab, the report explains why it is so important for people to understand the risks and consequences of AI usage that are not only unethical, but may also inhibit sustainability.

The impact of a greener NHS on the pharmaceutical industry and SMEs

Thursday, 24 Nov
UCL School of Management Professor Paolo Taticchi and Research Assistant Melina Corvaglia-Charrey have co-authored a white paper in light of the NHS’s decision to unveil its Greener NHS report. Entitled, “A Greener NHS: Implications for the Pharmaceutical Industry and SMEs”, the paper investigates the ways in which pharmaceutical small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are impacted by, and responding to, the NHS’s move towards sustainability.
In the Media

The future of organisational mentorship: should it work both ways?

Tuesday, 15 Nov
UCL School of Management Assistant Professor and UCL MBA Programme Director, Jim Berry, has recently featured in an article with BBC Worklife. Entitled, ‘Reverse mentorship: how young workers are teaching bosses’, the article explores the increasing prevalence of younger workers sharing their knowledge with senior executives to help bridge the intergenerational gaps in the workplace.
In the Media

The impact of curious male bosses vs curious female bosses on employee behaviour

Tuesday, 15 Nov
A recent study co-authored by Anthony Klotz that whilst curiosity from male bosses is well perceived by their employees, a female boss’s curiosity is likely to go unnoticed by their employees. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Professor Anthony Klotz explains the difference in this reaction to curiosity in a boss’s gender.
In the Media

Sunny Lee talks about the importance of rest with Fast Company

Friday, 4 Nov
According to a recent Gallup survey, three out of four workers experience burnout at work, and it seems that more and more workers are becoming overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands of their employment. Associate Professor Sunny Lee has co-authored an article for Fast Company that outlines the physical and psychological need for rest.

Entrepreneurship Community of Practice at UCL School of Management

Monday, 31 Oct
At UCL School of Management entrepreneurship is one of our key pillars, running through our research and teaching to inform the entrepreneurs of the future. We were therefore delighted to be hosts of the first-ever UCL Entrepreneurship Community of Practice (ECoP) face-to-face university-wide event.


Analytics Lab project: the five key components of AI ethics transformation

Thursday, 27 Oct
A new report from UCL School of Management MBA students and consultancy firm Capgemini argues that implementing artificial intelligence ethically is not only necessary, but urgent. Carried out at the UCL School of Management’s Analytics Lab, the report explains why it is so important for people to understand the risks and consequences of AI usage that are not only unethical, but may also inhibit sustainability.
In the Media

Has the Great Resignation movement slowed down?

Wednesday, 26 Oct
During the pandemic millions of Americans quit their jobs, causing a term UCL School of Management Associate Professor, Anthony Klotz termed the Great Resignation. Speaking to Made for Minds, Anthony shares his thoughts on the pace and future of the great resignation movement.

The effects of surge pricing on driver behaviour in the ride-sharing market

Monday, 17 Oct
UCL School of Management Assistant Professors Yiting Deng, Wei Miao and Yongdong Liu have recently published a paper in the Journal of Operations Management investigating the effects of surge pricing on driver behaviour in the ride-sharing market.

The Great Resignation has peaked, but will workforces return to 'normal'?

Friday, 14 Oct
While there appears to be much uncertainty in the current labour market, research indicates that ‘the Great Resignation’ may have peaked, with resignations levelling off at just below 3% monthly in the US. UCL School of Management Associate Professor Anthony Klotz recently co-wrote an article for Chief Executive, alongside Littler shareholder Claire Deason, to discuss these new figures and what they mean for the global workforce.


UCL School of Management Professor appointed Associate Editor of top journal

Monday, 3 Oct
UCL School of Management Associate Professor Ersin Korpeoglu has recently been appointed an Associate Editor of Management Science, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the theory and practice of management to an international audience.

UCL School of Management Professor becomes finalist for Best Paper Award

Sunday, 2 Oct
A research paper written by UCL School of Management Associate Professor Ersin Korpeoglu has recently become one of only three finalists in the INFORMS Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Section (TIMES) Best Paper Award Competition.
In the Media

Associate Professor Anthony Klotz appears on BBC show Talking Business

Wednesday, 28 Sep
UCL School of Management's Associate Professor Anthony Klotz has recently appeared on the BBC show Talking Business to discuss the phenomenon known as 'quiet-quitting', as well as 'The Great Resignation', a term he coined himself as a direct result of the mass resignations that are happening in companies and industries across the globe.

In the Media

Is quiet quitting worse than the great resignation?

Tuesday, 20 Sep
Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Anthony Klotz and his co-author explain the implications of quiet quitting and the best strategies for leaders to manage this new phenomenon.

UCL School of Management Professor wins Best Proposal Award from SMS

Monday, 19 Sep
UCL School of Management Professor Joost Rietveld has received an award from the SMS's Competitive Strategy Interest Group (CSIG). Alongside Richard Haas, an Assistant Professor from the Rotterdam School of Management, Joost has received the Best Proposal Award for Creativity in Research.

UCL MBA student shortlisted for Interior Designer of the Year Award with Be-Kin

Friday, 16 Sep
UCL School of Management student Wren Loucks has been shortlisted for a Brit List Award in the 'Interior Designer of the Year' category. Powered by Hotel Designs, the annual awards celebrate the leading designers, architects and hoteliers in Britain, with this year's awards shortlisting more than 140 individuals and projects.
In the Media

The Great Resignation: what is it and is it likely to end soon?

Friday, 2 Sep
UCL School of Management Professor Anthony Klotz has featured in an article published by BBC Worklife discussing the prolonged impact of 'The Great Resignation', a term he coined himself as a direct result of the mass resignations that are happening in companies and industries across the globe.

UCL School of Management Professor delivers Keynote Address at ROGE Conference

Wednesday, 31 Aug
UCL School of Management Deputy Director and Professor Alan Parkinson has delivered a Keynote Address at the 11th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE). Held at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, and organised by the Centre for Business & Economic Research (CBER), the conference explores an array of issues in all aspects of business management and management education.

Driving Collaboration with the Digital Peer Learning Hub

Tuesday, 30 Aug
In their latest article published by Harvard Business Publishing Education, UCL SoM’s Dr Rikke Duus and her co-author, Dr Mike Cooray, from Hult International Business School (Ashridge), introduce their innovative digital peer learning methodology, the Digital Peer Learning Hub.


UCL School of Management alumna carries Queen's Baton in Commonwealth Games 2022

Friday, 26 Aug
UCL School of Management alumna Slaviana Pavlovich was selected for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay. Nominated by JP Morgan Chase & Co. for her outstanding work in the field of digital technology, Slaviana carried the relay through Rugby to mark the momentous occasion.

The UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2022

Thursday, 25 Aug
The UCL-Japan Youth Challenge is an annual summer school programme run by the UCL-Japan Youth Challenge Committee and supported by UCL departments. Since its inception in 2015, UCL School of Management has supported two excellent events, first back in 2017 hosting an event on Level 38 and now in 2022 as the main UCL Collaborator.

UCL School of Management Professor talks workforce changes with Chosun Biz

Wednesday, 24 Aug
UCL School of Management Professor Anthony Klotz has featured in an article published by Chosun Biz, one of the leading media and news companies in South Korea. A branch of the Chosun Media Company, ChosunBiz is a biweekly publication that focuses specifically on the latest news in the IT, tech and business sectors.

UCL School of Management sponsors AOM 2022

Tuesday, 23 Aug
This year UCL School of Management was proud to sponsor the Academy of Management, AOM annual conference in Seattle. The conference aims to bring together management scholars to share their expertise and continue driving forth innovation in the business and management arena.


UCL School of Management alumna receives Grace Hopper Award

Monday, 22 Aug
UCL School of Management alumna Mariam Sharangia has been presented with the Grace Hopper Award in the ‘Emerging Leader' category. Open to women aged between 18 and 30, the award celebrates those that are using technology to orchestrate change or those that have outstanding achievements in technology.
In the Media

Quiet quitting: is it the answer to grind culture?

Sunday, 21 Aug
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, workplaces around the globe have seen monumental changes to their workforces – whether it be in the form of remote working, increased resignations or early retirements, or simply the shift to prioritising work-life balance. In light of these changes, a new phenomenon is taking the internet by storm: quiet-quitting.
In the Media

The need for strong local ties for MNCs to succeed as globalization retreats

Thursday, 18 Aug
As globalization is in retreat many multinational companies, MNCs, are facing pushback from governments and local stakeholders. Research cited in MIT Sloan Management Review by Davide Ravasi and his co-authors Caterina Moschieri and Quy Huy evidences why it is beneficial for global companies to develop good relationships in the countries where they operate to counterbalance increasingly powerful governments.

In the Media

Increase in people quitting their jobs are going on to earn more

Friday, 29 Jul
Surveys show that in 2021 there was a mass increase of people leaving their jobs, 47,000 in fact. Of those switching 60% saw an increase in their earnings, even when adjusted for inflation. And only half of those who remained in their jobs received a pay rise. Speaking with Marketplace, School of Management Professor, Anthony Klotz who coined the term “the great resignation”, explains that whilst there are multiple reasons people switch jobs, money powerful motivator.
In the Media

Boomerang employees show the grass isn't always greener

Wednesday, 27 Jul
Speaking with Reworked, Anthony Klotz explains how the Great Resignation and the prolonged hiring crisis in recent years have given way to an increase in boomerang employees.


UCL School of Management Professor talks sustainability with the Guardian

Tuesday, 12 Jul
UCL School of Management professor Paolo Taticchi has featured in two articles with the Guardian, both of which address the need for sustainability and the ways that businesses can incorporate more sustainable practices.

UCL School of Management Professor discusses art and NFTs on Al Jazeera podcast

Thursday, 7 Jul
UCL School of Management Professor Jean-Philippe Vergne has appeared on Al Jazeera’s live global broadcast ‘The Stream’ to discuss the future of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and art. The platform, which has a global reach of 310 million households in over 140 countries, is a television and online programme that airs daily and discusses the most pressing topics of the time.
In the Media

UCL School of Management Professor receives honour from President of Portugal

Tuesday, 5 Jul
UCL School of Management Professor Susana Frazão Pinheiro has received an honour from the President of Portugal for her services to Education. Appointed Commander of the Order of Public Instruction, Susana's work was celebrated in a ceremony held in London on 10 June.
In the Media

Professor Chia-Jung Tsay writes article on pitching to venture capitalists

Friday, 1 Jul
UCL School of Management Professor Chia-Jung Tsay has written an article for Sifted, an online platform specialising in startups, in which she discusses the key factors in pitching to venture capitalists.

Professor Davide Ravasi appointed incoming Associate Editor for AOM

Thursday, 16 Jun
We are delighted to announce that Professor Davide Ravasi, head of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship and research group and Director of the UCL School of Management has been appointed as one of the new Associate Editors for the Academy of Management Journal.


UCL School of Management professor wins UCL Education Award for Sustainability

Friday, 10 Jun
The UCL School of Management is delighted to announce that professor Paolo Taticchi has been awarded with a 2022 UCL Education Award for his committment to sustainability.
In the Media

UCL ranked eighth best university in the world in QS World Rankings 2023

Thursday, 9 Jun
UCL has been ranked among the Top 10 universities in the world in the 2023 QS World University Rankings. For the second consecutive year, UCL has placed eighth on the prestigious list, joining other global universities such as Stanford and MIT.

UCL School of Management professor launches new research project on Italian SMEs

Wednesday, 8 Jun
A new research project coordinated by UCL School of Management Professor Paolo Taticchi, OMRI will assess how Italian SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are engaging with the sustainable transformation of their business.

Three School of Management alumni named in Forbes' 30 under 30 list

Wednesday, 1 Jun
We are delighted to announce that three UCL School of Management alumni have been named in Forbes’ annual 30 under 30 list in multiple categories. In total, fourteen members of the UCL community have featured in the list, which includes UCL staff, students and alumni.

The UCL MBA celebrates graduating students with first ever completion ceremony

Tuesday, 31 May
The UCL School of Management recently celebrated the success of five graduating MBA students, who joined us in London for our UCL MBA Orientation and Immersion Weekend and our first Completion Ceremony. Set to become an annual event, current and former School of Management students were invited to attend the four-day Ceremony to celebrate the Founders' Cohort, the first class of UCL MBA graduates.

UCL School of Management's first annual UCL Diversity Research Day

Monday, 23 May
Increasingly, scholars and organisations are placing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at the forefront of their efforts. On May 5th, 2022, faculty in the UCL School of Management hosted the first annual UCL Diversity Research Day. The event brought a select group of scholars from across the UK to share cutting edge research in the space of EDI.

How digital consumers manage their online visibility in game-like conditions

Friday, 20 May
Organisations continue to create digital interfaces and infrastructure that are designed to heighten consumers’ online visibility and encourage them to part with their data. The way these digital systems operate and the rules they are governed by are often opaque, leaving consumers to deploy their own strategies for managing their online information sharing with organisations.
In the Media

Blaine Landis named Poets&Quant's Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors

Monday, 16 May
We are delighted to announce that Assistant Professor Blaine Landis has been named one of the World's Best 40-Under-40 Best Business School Professors by Poets&Quants
In the Media

Yiting Deng named Poets&Quant's Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors

Monday, 16 May
We are delighted to announce that Assistant Professor Yiting Deng has been named one of the World's Best 40-Under-40 Best Business School Professors by Poets&Quants​.

In the Media

Two SoM faculty named in Poets&Quants Best 40-Under-40 Business Professors list

Monday, 16 May
This year, two members of UCL School of Management's fantastic faculty have been named in the Poets&Quants Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors list. Congratulations to Yiting Deng and Blaine Landis.

95% of SoM research outputs as world-leading & internationally excellent in REF

Thursday, 12 May
The REF 2021 results, released on 12 May 2022, show a significant increase in The School of Management’s scores, confirming our position as a leading UK institution producing innovative and disruptive research. This year 95% of our research outputs were deemed 'world-leading' and 'internationally excellent', which placed the school 2nd in the UK for Business and Management.

In the Media

Are social features the key to a successful Freemium Hit?

Friday, 6 May
UCL School of Management professor Joost Rietveld and PhD student Joe Ploog have published their research paper on freemium products in the Strategic Management Journal.
In the Media

School of Management professor showcases research in the Wall Street Journal

Thursday, 5 May
UCL School of Management professor Chia-Jung Tsay has featured in the Wall Street Journal in which she discusses the key to attracting venture capitalists: passionate body language.
In the Media

School of Management professor talks Great Resignation in Financial Times

Tuesday, 3 May
UCL School of Management professor Anthony Klotz has featured in an article with the Financial Times. Known internationally for coining the term ‘The Great Resignation’, Klotz addresses his creation of what the Financial Times refers to as “one of the defining phrases of the pandemic”.

How Multinational Firms can respond effectively to hostility of host governments

Friday, 22 Apr
Data shows that the number of investments between Multinational Organisations (MNCs) and foreign governments has increased significantly in the last 20 years, but what happens when disputes arise between the two parties? Research by Davide Ravasi, Caterina Moschieri and Quy Huy published in the Journal of Management Studies, explores how events evolve from the inception of a dispute between an MNC and a host government to its eventual resolution, whether favourable or not to the MNC.

In the Media

The effects of the privatisation of Channel 4 on the company’s cultural identity

Thursday, 21 Apr
As talks continue around the potential privatisation of Channel 4, many are looking back at the lessons learnt from the privatisation of Royal Mail in 2013. Cited in the Financial Times, research by Davide Ravasi and Mislav Radic, into the cultural changes in an organisation warns that cultural tensions are likely to occur with the planned move.


Student team finish in the top three at the International Executive Challenge

Tuesday, 12 Apr
UCL School of Management students have placed third in the International Executive Challenge 2022! The all-female team comprised of Julie Wouters, Emmy Vanherpe, Wiam Kebbou and Tsvetina Chelebieva competed against 15 other teams in front of a US-based panel of judges.

School of Management Staff Celebrated in 2022 Education Awards Nominations

Thursday, 7 Apr
Nominees for the UCL Education Awards and Student Choice Awards have recently been announced, with staff and students from the School of Management receiving recognition in multiple categories.


School of Management Alumnae crowned 'Young Entrepreneur of the Year'

Tuesday, 5 Apr
UCL School of Management alumnae Joyce and Raissa de Haas have been crowned ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the 2022 Business Champion Awards

Analytics Lab project: A guide to explainable AI

Monday, 4 Apr
A new report from UCL School of Management MBA students Ian Cooper and Wendy Kent and the Consultancy firm Capgemini, argues that the key to the success of AI is explainability. Carried out at the UCL School of Management’s new Analytics Lab, the report explains why it is so important for people to understand what AI is doing and why in order for the technology to succeed.


School of Management PhD Student Selected for Women Transforming India Awards

Friday, 1 Apr
UCL School of Management PhD student Aardra Chandra Mouli is one of the 75 women selected by NITI Aayog’s Women Transforming India Awards (WTI) 2021!

The UCL MBA was an opportunity to futureproof my career

Wednesday, 30 Mar
After working as a tax specialist in multinational corporations for over 20 years UCL MBA student, Iain Cooper wanted to develop his strategic skills and help take his career to the next level. Speaking with QS Top MBA he explains how the UCL MBA has helped him achieve this and why the online learning method was perfect to accommodate his work schedule.

In the Media

Professor Receives International Recognition for his work on Sustainable NFTs

Wednesday, 30 Mar
Paolo Taticchi, a professor at the UCL School of Management and an expert in corporate sustainability, has recently received international acclaim for his “NFT sustainability manifesto”.
In the Media

Challenging masculine prototypes to increase women’s senior representation

Tuesday, 29 Mar
Despite decades of effort for equality in the workplace, women remain severely underrepresented at senior management level. Writing for Maddyness, Felix Danbold explains why the problem of “masculine prototypes” is a major contributing factor to why women are still overlooked and underrepresented, globally.


Research Study: Test your Creativity by Helping us Save a Theatre in Chicago

Monday, 28 Mar
UCL School of Management is looking for participants in a research study to come up with a business action plan to help save Riverside Theatre. Participants are paid and studies are conducted remotely.

Joost Rietveld Talks Market Orchestration on "Talking About Platforms" Podcast

Monday, 28 Mar
UCL School of Management Assistant Professor Joost Rietveld discusses his research project, "Market Orchestrators: The Effects of Certification on Platforms and their Complementors" on the podcast "Talking about Platforms".

The trade-off between corporate greening alongside corporate growth

Friday, 25 Mar
Organisations are increasingly embracing substantiality practices, but many face the challenge of achieving growth whilst being truly sustainable. In Paolo Taticchi’s latest research with his co-authors, Paolo offers actionable recommendations and a process framework to support “gracious growth” and help leaders manage the trade-off between corporate greening and corporate growth.


Corporate Sustainability Professor launches NFT Sustainability Manifesto

Wednesday, 16 Mar
Paolo Taticchi, a professor at the UCL School of Management and an expert in corporate sustainability, has today launched the “NFT sustainability manifesto” to raise awareness about the opportunities and environmental risks for companies using NFTs.

#BreakTheBias – International Women’s Day at UCL School of Management

Tuesday, 8 Mar
This International Women’s Day we hear from UCL School of Management’s Director Davide Ravasi as he discusses how as a School, we are raising awareness against bias and taking action for equality and the wonderful community at the school about their research into gender bias, experiences and advise to #BreakTheBias.
In the Media

Consensus-based problem-solving groups kill innovative ideas

Tuesday, 8 Mar
When faced with a problem, organisations often create a specific task force or steering committee to solve it. Writing for Harvard Business Review, Sarah Harvey and her co-authors highlight their research findings to explain the issue of groupthink with such groups.

In the Media

Conversations about fertility in the workplace

Tuesday, 1 Mar
Events in our personal lives impact our professional lives too, so why do we not share these fundamental life events with our colleagues and employers and seek appropriate support? Speaking with the Financial Times, Raina Brands shares why in 2021 she updated her CV to include two major personal life events; her recurrent pregnancy loss (2019-2020) and then the birth of her son (2021).

In the Media

Leadership prototypes inhibit seeing the potential in women for senior roles

Tuesday, 22 Feb
Speaking with the BBC, Felix Danbold explains how masculine traits typically associated with leadership, combined with a male-dominated leadership team, increase men's potential value and make it easy to overlook women’s potential as leaders

In the Media

Should your next CEO be a CIO?

Monday, 21 Feb
As Chief Information Officers, CIOs, become increasingly more influential in the strategic management of organisations, it would be reasonable to presume they would ascend to Chief Executive Officers CEOs but this isn’t strictly true. Speaking with raconteur James Berry explains that while they do possess the necessary skills required, a good CEO needs a broader set of expertise.


The Natural Remedy Lab: A book by Management Science alumna Tanika Dahad

Wednesday, 16 Feb
After graduating from the BSc Management Science programme in 2020, Tanika Dahad has been keeping extremely busy, balancing a job as a Consulting Analyst at Deloitte Digital and writing her own book. Tanika explains how her 80-year-old grandmother and Tanika's own medical journey inspired her to write the book and what she hopes readers will take from the science-based, natural remedies.

In the Media

Marcos Fuentes wins Doctorate of the Year Award

Tuesday, 15 Feb
Representing UCL and UCL School of Management, Marcos Fuentes is awarded the Doctorate of the year award by the Association for Project Management (Best Doctoral Thesis).

In the Media

Formula E comes out on top in Motorsport sustainability rankings

Friday, 11 Feb
A new ranking index scoring system to assess sustainability in motorsport championships has concluded that ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is the most environmentally conscious motorsport, followed by Formula 1 and Motor GP. Speaking with The Race, Paolo Taticchi explains why he believes this is a good step towards sustainable transformation.

In the Media

What does the Activision Acquisition mean for Microsoft?

Tuesday, 1 Feb
Microsoft’s $68.7 million acquisition of Acitivision Blizzard has been the talk of the gaming industry, but what does the acquisition mean in the long term? Writing for Game World Observer, Joost Rietveld explains how the deal strengthens Microsoft’s position in the metaverse race and become the “Netflix of Gaming.”

In the Media

What is the driving force behind an organisation: Profit or Purpose?

Monday, 31 Jan
Adam Kingl writes for HR Magazine to examine why redefining the purpose of a company and moving away from focusing on the share price can be more beneficial for organisations.
In the Media

The Techno Humane City

Friday, 28 Jan
How can cities make the best use of digital technologies without becoming places of systemic surveillance and constant overstepping of citizens’ privacy? Dr Rikke Duus and her co-authors, share their thoughts and perspectives in a feature article in the Danish national newspaper, Weekendavisen.

In the Media

Succeeding with a freemium model

Wednesday, 26 Jan
With the rising popularity of the freemium model across industries, Joost Rietveld has been speaking with Financieel Dagblad about the file-sharing platform WeTransfer and its success in applying the model. Recently valued at €716 million WeTransfer is an example of a breakout hit for the freemium business model. But why do so many other competitors fail to do the same?

In the Media

Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard furthers its metaverse ambitions

Tuesday, 25 Jan
Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard for an astonishing $68.7 billion, makes it one of the largest acquisitions in the gaming industry to date. Speaking with Game World Observer, Joost Rietveld explains that while this is a remarkable move it is also quite a typical one in the gaming ecosystem.

In the Media

Even a suspicion of cronyism can sow discord in the workplace

Monday, 24 Jan
The effects of cronyism can ripple through an organisation shaping the culture and corroding trust and workplace relations. Speaking with the Financial Times Blaine Landis explains how even the suspicion of cronyism can sow discord in the workplace.


Patsy McNeil wins Silver in the AMBA & BGA Student of the Year Award

Friday, 21 Jan
Patsy McNeil, System Chief Medical Officer at Adventist Healthcare and student of the UCL MBA, has won Silver in the 2022 AMBA & BGA Student of the Year Award.
In the Media

The cost of the global resignation crisis

Thursday, 20 Jan
Recent studies indicate that almost 55% of the global workforce are considering resigning from their current role. Adam Kingl has been discussing the innovation and finance implications of the current resigning crisis with HR Magazine.

Paolo Taticchi given leadership award

Friday, 14 Jan
Professor Paolo Taticchi OMRI has been given an award for his leadership and contribution to sustainable transformation in Italy.
In the Media

Job negotiations extend beyond salary discussions

Thursday, 6 Jan
Writing a joint piece for Fast Company, Sunny Lee explains that there is more to job negotiations than the salary. She shares why it is an opportunity to explore future career ambitions and what can support personal and professional development to achieve the end goal.