The shift to online education during the pandemic has been a challenge for students and educators alike. UCL SoM’s Dr Rikke Duus took this challenge in her stride and used it as an opportunity to innovate existing teaching methodologies and develop her pedagogical and digital skills to suit the online environment.
Speaking at the CABS (Chartered Association of Business Schools) Learning, Teaching & Student Experience conference, she shared her experience on digital learning with colleagues from across the globe.
The Learning, Teaching & Student Experience conference provides a space for educators to network and share their latest innovations in teaching practice, cutting edge pedagogical research and effective student engagement. Now in its 11th year, the conference has become an excellent resource for educators to explore innovative and creative approaches to business and management education.
Rikke delivered two presentations during the conference; ‘The DigitalHack Methodology: Super-charged learning through digital collaboration’ which explored the DigitalHack methodology, demonstrating successful case studies of the methodology being implemented. It is a structured and collaborative way for students to work on new solutions to complex business and societal challenges using a variety of digital tools and platforms. The DigitalHack methodology has been developed by Dr Rikke Duus and Dr Mike Cooray and published by Harvard Business Publishing Education.
In her second presentation ‘The 3Cs of Async: Educators as Creators, Curators and Connectors’ she introduced her concept the ‘3Cs of Async’ and explained how academic faculty can take on the roles of Creator, Curator and Connector (the 3Cs). This approach can assist colleagues in the planning, design and development of async-led course material, including audio, video and interactive features.
See Rikke’s profile for more information about her research and teaching