UCL School of Management

Joost Rietveld

Associate Professor
Phone number
(0)20 3108 6092
(internal 56092)
Office location
Level 38, 1 Canada Square
Rm SW5


Joost (/Yoast/) Rietveld is an Associate Professor in the department of Strategy &  Entrepreneurship at the UCL School of Management. 

His research interests are at the intersection of technology strategy and innovation management. Joost’s research seeks to understand how inter-organizational dynamics, including platform-complementor relationships, alliances, and mergers and acquisitions, affect product-level outcomes. He is also interested in how digitization facilitates new and innovative ways of doing business including the freemium and platform-based business models. 

Joost’s research has been published in highly ranked academic journals including Organization Science, Strategy ScienceResearch Policy, Journal of Management and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. His PhD thesis was awarded finalist in best dissertation competitions organized by INFORMS (TIMES section) and the Academy of Management (TIM division). Joost has taught courses at various institutions including New York University, the New York Film Academy and the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University.

PhD supervisor to:

Research projects

Platform strategy and competition

How do digital platforms and firms that operate within such platforms successfully compete for market dominance?

Digital business model innovation

How does digital transformation facilitate new and innovative business models? How do firms compete on the basis of their business models?

Demand-side strategies and competitive advantage

How can demand-side thinking inform and complement strategy research that has traditionally looked at the supply side as a key factor?
Selected publications
Rietveld, J., & Ploog, J. N. (2022). On top of the game? The double-edged sword of incorporating social features into freemium products. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (6), 1182-1207. doi:10.1002/smj.3362 [link]
Benischke, M., Rietveld, J., & Slangen, A. (2022). Within-Firm Variation in the Liability of Foreignness: A Demand-Based Perspective. Journal of Management. doi:10.1177/01492063221094261 [link]
Rietveld, J., & Schilling, M. A. (2021). Platform Competition: A Systematic and Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature. Journal of Management, 47 (6), 1528-1563. doi:10.1177/0149206320969791 [link]
Rietveld, J., Seamans, R., & Meggiorin, K. (2021). Market Orchestrators:The Effects of Certification on Platforms and Their Complementors. Strategy Science, 6 (3), 191-264. doi:10.1287/stsc.2021.0135 [link]
Bellavitis, C., Rietveld, J., & Filatotchev, I. (2020). The effects of prior co-investments on the performance of venture capitalist syndicates: A relational agency perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14 (2), 240-264. doi:10.1002/sej.1320 [link]
Rietveld, J., Ploog, J., & Nieborg, D. (2020). Coevolution of Platform Dominance and Governance Strategies: Effects on Complementor Performance Outcomes. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6 (3), 488-513. doi:10.5465/amd.2019.0064 [link]
Rietveld, J., Schilling, M. A., & Bellavitis, C. (2019). Platform strategy: Managing ecosystem value through selective promotion of complements. Organization Science, 30 (6), 1232-1251. doi:10.1287/orsc.2019.1290 [link]
Rietveld, J. (2018). Creating and capturing value from freemium business models: A demandā€side perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12 (2), 171-193. doi:10.1002/sej.1279 [link]
Rietveld, J., & Eggers, J. P. (2018). Demand Heterogeneity in Platform Markets: Implications for Complementors. Organization Science, 29 (2), 304-322. doi:10.1287/orsc.2017.1183 [link]
Broekhuizen, T. L. J., Lampel, J., & Rietveld, J. (2013). New horizons or a strategic mirage? Artist-led-distribution versus alliance strategy in the video game industry. Research Policy, 42 (4), 954-964. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2012.12.007 [link]