UCL School of Management

Raina Brands

Associate Professor
Lead (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
Office location
Level 38, 1 Canada Square
Rm NE2


Raina Brands graduated with BA in Psychology (Honours I, University Medal) and a MA from the University of Queensland (Australia) before earning her MPhil and PhD in Management from Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge. Before joining University College London she was on the faculty at London Business School. She recently founded Career Equally, an organisation whose mission is to help women – and the companies they work for – de-bias their careers.


Raina’s work integrates the study of social networks and the study of gender stereotypes in order to provide novel insight into a range of gender inequalities that pervade organizational life: gender differences in performance, reputation, and leadership; in women’s persistence in, and pursuit of, careers in domains where they are underrepresented; and in women’s reactions to, and inoculation from, the stereotyping and bias that they routinely encounter in organizational life. 

Raina explores these inequalities in two major streams of empirical research. The first major stream of work shows that gender stereotypes affect how individuals interpret, experience, and respond to social networks, with consequences for women’s performance and reputations. The second major stream of work explores how social networks affect women’s responses to gender stereotyping that is enacted in relational settings in organizations. 

Her work has been presented at leading international conferences and published in the top international journals in the field of management. Raina’s work has also garnered international press coverage in the New York Times, The Financial Times, The Guardian, Harvard Business School, The Huffington Post, and Glamour Magazine.

PhD supervisor to: