Wilson Wong
Wilson Wong is the Founding Director and Associate Professor of Data Science and Policy Studies (DSPS) Programme, Faculty of Social Science, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and a fellow at the Center of Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) of Stanford University to work on the project “Data Science and the State” to examine the impact of disruptive technologies including AI and Big Data on governance. He is the Lead Area Editor of Data & Policy, a flagship journal by Cambridge University Press dedicated to the impact of data-policy interactions, and Associate Editor of Nature Humanities and Social Science. He is also the regional editor of Asian Journal of Political Science. He received his MPA and Ph.D. in public administration from Syracuse University and served as a visiting fellow at Brookings Institution and Harvard University (Harvard-Yenching Institute).
His major areas of research include AI and Big Data, social data science, digital governance, ICT and innovation, disruptive technologies in government, comparative public policy and administration. His research has been published in leading journals of his fields including Administration and Society, China Review, Governance, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Policy Studies Journal, and Public Administration Review. Recently, he co-edits Handbook of Asian Public Administration (Edward Elgar) and contributed a chapter on AI and the future of work to the report “Artificial Intelligence for Social Good” by the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). In addition to academic studies, he has taught in the executive education programs of Tsinghua University, Syracuse University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also engages in consulting projects of knowledge transfer and co-creation and is now working on a project of synthetic data and privacy in partnership with Roche.