UCL School of Management

Research project

Decentralizing Capitalism & Digital Platforms


The rise of blockchain and related technologies alters the traditional structures of capitalist economies. At a macroeconomic level, blockchain enables new competition in the realm of money, a sector where the state has typically enjoyed a sovereign monopoly. At an organizational level, blockchain allows decentralized forms of organizing, manifest in the rise to prominence of large global organizations that command billion-dollar market valuations, yet operate without managers or even employees (e.g., Bitcoin and other DAOs). Since we can now “manage” without “managers”, we need to rethink some basic assumptions that underpin the business world and design new frameworks for navigating 21st century capitalism.

Selected Publications

Durand R & Vergne JP. (2013). The Pirate Organization: Lessons from the Fringes of Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review Publishing

Vergne JP. (2014). The Year Capitalism was Turned Upside DownThe New Criticals.

Vergne JP & Swain G. (2017). Categorical Anarchy in the U.K.? The British Media’s Classification of Bitcoin and the Limits of CategorizationResearch in the Sociology of Organizations, 51: 185-222. doi:10.1108/S0733-558X20170000051005

Wang S & Vergne JP. (2017). Buzz Factor or Innovation Potential: What Explains Cryptocurrencies’ Returns?PLoS ONE, 12(1). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169556

Hsieh YY, Vergne JP & Wang S. (2017). The internal and external governance of blockchain-based organizations: Evidence from crypto-currencies. In M. Campbell-Verduyn (Ed.), Bitcoin and Beyond: Blockchains and Global Governance: 48-68. Routledge.

Hsieh YY, Vergne JP, Anderson P, Lakhani K, & Reitzig M. (2018). Bitcoin and the rise of decentralized autonomous organizationsJournal of Organization Design, 7(14). doi:10.1186/s41469-018-0038-1

Vergne JP. (2018). Disrupting the IPOIvey Business Journal.

Vergne JP. (2020). Decentralized vs. Distributed Organization: Blockchain, Machine Learning and the Future of the Digital PlatformOrganization Theory, 1(4): 263178772097705. doi:10.1177/2631787720977052

Hsieh YY & Vergne JP. (2023). The Future of the Web? The Coordination and Early‐Stage Growth of Decentralized PlatformsStrategic Management Journal, 44(3): 829-857. doi:10.1002/smj.3455

Vergne JP. (2024). Web3 as Decentralization Theater? A Framework for Envisioning Decentralization Strategically. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 89 (Defining Web3): 115-127. doi:10.1108/S0733-558X20240000089010


Last updated Wednesday, 6 November 2024


Research groups

Strategy & Entrepreneurship

Research areas

Organization theory; Strategic management

Research topics

Bank regulation; Adaptation; Business strategy; Collaboration; Competitive advantage; Coordination; Digital transformation; Management of technology; Organisational design; Platforms and two-sided markets; Technology strategy